Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday 4/16

We investigated properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal today (and the pairs of angles formed by that transversal) in Notes #63.

For those absent today, make sure to use the Notes #63 Student Sheet in conjunction with the notes published on the website. Fill it out as you go. This was very much a "discover & teach yourself" lesson.

Be sure to finish the orange Student Sheet. Here's a great website about Parallel Lines and Pairs of Angles that is really all you need to master these concepts. Be sure to be able to define and label examples of all of these terms:

  • Supplementary angles
  • Vertical angles
  • Corresponding angles
  • Alternate interior angles
  • Alternate exterior angles
  • Consecutive interior angles

Homework #108: Explain, in detail, why if you know one angle of the eight that are formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal then you know the other seven. Use vocabulary terms learned and defined today.

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