Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday 12/5

We finished reviewing for Common Assessment #5 today, which we'll be taking tomorrow. We worked through a multiple choice Preview sheet that looks very similar to the actual test. Students who are able to master this Preview will do very well on tomorrow's assessment.

Homework #63: Finish the Common Assessment #5 MC Preview worksheet
Solutions: Common Assessment #5 MC Preview answer key

You can watch videos of the phenomenal Mr. Martinez work though the Preview worksheet in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Part 1: 
Part 2: 
Part 3:

You'll be able to use the following assignments for tomorrow's notes and homework quiz; please make sure to have them with you and fully ready to go:

Week 16
Openers / Warm-Ups
Notes #38
Notes #39
Assignment #60 (TB pg 547)
Assignment #61 (Working Together Problems)
Assignment #62 (CA #5 Preview)
Assignment #63 (CA #5 MC Preview)  

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