Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday 12/16

Well, here we are. Finals week. The last chance to impact your grade (hopefully in a good way!) before we break for three weeks and start anew next semester.

We spent our class period today answering any last-minute questions you had and wrapping up our First Semester Final Review, which is due the day you take your final.

Homework #69: Finish the First Semester Final Review worksheet
Solutions: First Semester Final Review answer key

If you get stuck, The Community is here to help and the honors classes have been putting together solution videos for you:

The resources to earn an "A" on the final are out there, the only missing ingredient now is your hard work and determination.

Here's a copy of the Final Exam schedule, so you know what to expect this week.

Happy studying!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday 12/13

We completed our review for our first semester Final Exam today by revisiting the Common Assessment #5 Preview.

Homework #68: Finish the CA #5 Final Exam Review worksheet
Solutions: CA #5 Final Exam Review answer key

I also passed out our First Semester Final Review today, to give you a chance to get a head start over the weekend. We'll use Monday to answer any questions you have about it, and allow you to finish it up in class. It will be due the day you take your Final Exam. It is a comprehensive review of every standard we've learned (and mastered) this year, and looks very similar to your Final Exam.

If you get stuck, The Community is here to help and the honors classes have been putting together solution videos for you:

The resources to earn an "A" on the final are out there, the only missing ingredient now is your hard work and determination.

Happy studying!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday 12/12

Today we continued our preparations for the Final Exam by revisiting the Common Assessment #4 Preview.

There are only a few days left to get ready! Make sure you're doing everything possible to earn the grade you want.

Homework #67: CA #4 Final Exam Review worksheet
Solutions: CA #4 Final Exam Review answer key

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday 12/11

Our review for the Final Exam rolled on today with a revisiting of the Common Assessment #3 Preview. This brings our comprehensive review up through week 10 of this semester.

Homework #66: CA #3 Final Exam Review worksheet
Solutions: CA #3 Final Exam Review answer key

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday 12/10

Today we continued our Final Exam prep by revisiting the Common Assessment #2 Preview. This covers all the knowledge acquired during weeks four through seven of this semester.

Homework #65: Finish the CA #2 Final Exam Review worksheet
Solutions: CA #2 Final Exam Review answer key

A Final Exam study guide has also been uploaded to the Document Locker portion of this page.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday 12/9

We began our massive review for the Final Exam today by revisiting the Common Assessment #1 Preview. We're all going to do really well on the Final Exam!

Homework #64: Finish the CA #1 Final Exam Review worksheet
Solutions: Side 1 | Side 2

Don't forget to complete your CA #5 reflection sheets tonight at home and share them with your parents.

Here's a copy of the Final Exam schedule, for those that want to plan ahead.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday 12/6

Another week down! We have now made it through 16 weeks and only have a week of studying followed by a week of finals left in this semester.

Make sure you are doing everything you can to earn the grade you want.

Here is this weekend's extra credit:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday 12/5

We finished reviewing for Common Assessment #5 today, which we'll be taking tomorrow. We worked through a multiple choice Preview sheet that looks very similar to the actual test. Students who are able to master this Preview will do very well on tomorrow's assessment.

Homework #63: Finish the Common Assessment #5 MC Preview worksheet
Solutions: Common Assessment #5 MC Preview answer key

You can watch videos of the phenomenal Mr. Martinez work though the Preview worksheet in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Part 1: 
Part 2: 
Part 3:

You'll be able to use the following assignments for tomorrow's notes and homework quiz; please make sure to have them with you and fully ready to go:

Week 16
Openers / Warm-Ups
Notes #38
Notes #39
Assignment #60 (TB pg 547)
Assignment #61 (Working Together Problems)
Assignment #62 (CA #5 Preview)
Assignment #63 (CA #5 MC Preview)  

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday 12/4

Today we got ready for Common Assessment #5, which will be on Friday!

You received a practice common assessment today that looks very similar to the actual test.

Study hard! We want everyone to get 100%!!

Homework #62: Finish the Common Assessment #5 Preview worksheet
Solutions: Common Assessment #5 Preview answer key

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday 12/3

We learned how to complete work together problems today using Notes #39. This was a hard lesson, and may require some extra work on your own to become comfortable with the concepts and proficient with all the problems.

I'd recommend spending some extra time with the notes tonight, especially the examples we didn't get to in class today. Purple Math,, and Dr. Math are all great resources as well. Good luck and work hard!

If you get stuck on a few, be sure to bring me your questions in class tomorrow!

Homework #61: Working Together Problems worksheet
Solutions: Working Together Problems key

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday 12/2

Today we learned how to add and subtract rational expressions with unlike denominators with Notes #38.
The key thing to remember is that you must first find a common denominator. Factoring the denominators helps you find the LCD, which will save you time! After that, just follow the same process as we learned before the Thanksgiving break.

Homework #60: TB pg 547 (#17-39 odd, #50)
Be sure to check your answers in the back of the book when finished!