Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday 9/23

Today in class we used notes #16 to learn how to factor a polynomial in the form of ax^2 + bx + c by using the Super Magic "X" as a tool. We discovered that this is a very complicated process and requires a great deal of critical thinking and careful work.

Here is a rough outline of the steps we planned in class when encountering a polynomial in an ax^2 + bx + c format:
  1. Factor out a GCF (if possible)
  2. Draw a Super X
  3. Multiply a and c together to get the ceiling (top number)
  4. Put b in the basement (bottom number)
  5. Think of two numbers that multiply to be the top number and add to be the bottom (hardest part)
  6. Place an ax on top of both sides
  7. Reduce each side like it's a fraction
  8. Rewrite the reduced fractions as your factors
  9. Check your answer
Homework #26: TB pg. 401 (#1-27 odd)
Please check your answers in the back of the book when finished.

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