Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday 9/30

Today in class we used notes #17 to learn how to solve multi-step equations. If you haven't done so already, please memorize these four steps, as you'll need to use them frequently and reliably:
  1. Distribute
  2. Move all variables to one side and combine
  3. Move all constants to the other side and combine
  4. Solve for the variable
Homework #29: TB pg 72 (#1-15, #29-33 odd) & pg 79 (#13-17 odd)
Please check your answers in the back of the book when finished

Here's a great website for those looking for some additional practice problems to gain complete proficiency.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday 9/26

Today we wrapped up week 7 and our polynomials unit. Have no fear, polynomials will reappear in second semester.  Here is this weekend's extra credit:
If you are having trouble with the extra credit, you could always ask the community for help...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday 9/25

We spent today previewing for Common Assessment #2, which we'll be taking tomorrow.

Please be sure to spend sufficient time tonight studying and practicing. You have a host of different documents, assignments, notes, preview worksheets, and study guides to help you get prepared.

Also, as a reminder, we're launching our new online community where students will be able to both ask for and provide peer tutoring with the other eighth grade students of Cope. If you'd like to participate, please make sure you bring back your Google+ permission slip tomorrow so we can invite you to the community.

Homework #28: Finish the Common Assessment #2 Multiple Choice Preview sheet 
Solutions: CA #2 MC Preview key

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday 9/24

I was not in class today as I had an all-day meeting at the District Office.

Today's class period was used to help everyone get ready for Common Assessment #2, which we'll be taking on Thursday this week. We used the Common Assessment #2 Preview worksheet to help us prepare.

Here's a video clip of the incomparable Mr. Martinez working through the first ten problems of today's worksheet:

If you can't watch the video in the browser, you can also download it here

Homework #27: Finish the Common Assessment #2 Preview sheet
Solutions: CA #2 Preview key 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday 9/23

Today in class we used notes #16 to learn how to factor a polynomial in the form of ax^2 + bx + c by using the Super Magic "X" as a tool. We discovered that this is a very complicated process and requires a great deal of critical thinking and careful work.

Here is a rough outline of the steps we planned in class when encountering a polynomial in an ax^2 + bx + c format:
  1. Factor out a GCF (if possible)
  2. Draw a Super X
  3. Multiply a and c together to get the ceiling (top number)
  4. Put b in the basement (bottom number)
  5. Think of two numbers that multiply to be the top number and add to be the bottom (hardest part)
  6. Place an ax on top of both sides
  7. Reduce each side like it's a fraction
  8. Rewrite the reduced fractions as your factors
  9. Check your answer
Homework #26: TB pg. 401 (#1-27 odd)
Please check your answers in the back of the book when finished.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday 9/20

And that's a wrap for week 6!

Here is this week's extra credit:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday 9/19

We worked on our preview test today in class to get ourselves ready for test 6 tomorrow! Study the preview worksheet and make sure you can do everything on it!

Homework #25: Test 6 Preview sheet
Solutions: Preview sheet solutions

You'll be able to use the following assignments for tomorrow's notes and homework quiz; please make sure to have them with you and fully ready to go:

Week 6
Openers / Warm-Ups
Notes #13
Notes #14
Notes #15
Assignment #21 (TB pg. 377)
Assignment #22 (TB pg. 397)
Assignment #23 (Factoring WS)
Assignment #24 (TB pg 398)
Assignment #25 (Test 6 Preview)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday 9/18

Today in class we continued to learn how to factor. We took notes #15, which taught us how to find the difference of a square. We then got a head-start on tonight's homework.

Homework #23: Finish the Factoring worksheet
Solutions: Factoring answer key
Homework #24: TB pg. 398 (#43-53 odd)
Please check your answers in the back of the book when finished.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday 9/17

We took notes #14 in class today, which covered how to factor a polynomial in the form of x^2 + bx + c by using the Magic "X" as a tool.

Homework #22: TB pg 397 (#1-29, 33-37 odd)
Please check your answers in the back of the book when finished.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday 9/16

Today in class we used notes #13 to learn how to factor a polynomial by finding the Greatest Common Factor.

The first step is to factor each of the terms from the polynomial. After finding the prime factorization of each, you can circle what they have in common to discover the GCF.
After you know the GCF, you can rewrite the problem as the product of two polynomials (the GCF becomes the monomial in front, what's left becomes the polynomial in parenthesis).

Here's a link to a quick video (from our textbook) explaining and diagramming the process.

Homework #21: TB pg 377 (#13-23, 35-39 odd)
Please check your answers in the back of the book when finished.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday 9/13

Week 5 is now in the books and I'm off to celebrate my birthday!

Here is this week's extra credit:

(x2 + 2x + 6)(x + 4) - (x3 + 6x + 3) + 2x(x2 + 5) - x2

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday 9/12

Today in class we reviewed for our fifth test, which will cover multiplying a variety of polynomials (monomials, binomials, and trinomials) and combining like terms to simplify an answer.
Homework #20: Test 5 Preview sheet
Solutions: Preview sheet solutions

You'll be able to use the following assignments for tomorrow's homework and class work quiz; please make sure to have them with you and fully ready to go:

Openers / Warm-Ups
Notes #10
Notes #11
Notes #12
Assignment #17 (TB pg. 377)
Assignment #18 (TB pg. 383)
Assignment #19 (Magic "X" 5)
Assignment #20 (Test 5 Preview)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday 9/11

We took notes #12 today in class, which revisited multiplying polynomials and also taught us how to square a binomial.

Homework #19: The Magic "X" 5
Solutions: Side A | Side B

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday 9/10

Today we took notes #11 in class, which covered how to multiply two polynomials using either the distributive method or the box method. Remember to pick the method that works best for you and stick with it.

Homework #18: TB pg. 383 (#5-29 odd)
Please check your answers in the back of the book when finished.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday 9/9

We took notes #10 in class today which covered multiplying monomials into polynomials. We use the distributive property to distribute the monomial to each of the individual terms in the polynomial.

Homework #17: TB pg 377 (#1-11, 27-31 odd)
Please check your answers in the back of the book when finished.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday 9/5

Today in class we reviewed for our fourth test, which we'll take tomorrow and will cover all the polynomial skills we've learned this week.

Homework #16: Test 4 Preview sheet
Solutions: Preview sheet solutions

You'll be able to use the following assignments for tomorrow's homework and class work quiz; please make sure to have them with you and fully ready to go:

Week 4
Openers / Warm-Ups
Notes #8
Notes #9
Assignment #13 (The Magic "X" 4)
Assignment #14 (Menu Math)
Assignment #15 (TB pg 48 & 373)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday 9/4

Today in class we began working with polynomials using notes #9.

We learned:
  1. You can only combine hamburgers with hamburgers, french fries with french fries, x's with x's, and constants with constants.
  2. The type of polynomial describes the number of terms it has. one term = monomial, two terms = binomial, etc.
  3. To find the degree of a polynomial, find the highest exponent from a single term.
  4. To put a polynomial in standard form, arrange the terms so that they are decreasing in exponents from left to right.
Homework #15: TB pg 48 (#15-19, 25-33, 37-43 odd) & pg. 373 (#25, 27, 31-37, 43-47 odd)
Please check your answers in the back of the book when finished.

Remember, polynomials are the building blocks of algebra.  For another summary of polynomials from another teacher's perspective and ten extra practice problems, click here.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday 9/3

We took notes #8 in class today which reviewed some basics about variables, variable expressions, and combing like terms. Remember, we can only combine hamburgers with hamburgers, french fries with french fries, x's with x's, and constants with constants.

We also passed out student and parent letters with results from Common Assessment #1. Parents, your son or daughter will be bringing this sheet home tonight to review with you. Please be sure to ask them about their strengths and areas where improvement may be needed as their job is to write a detailed reflection on both.

Homework #13: The Magic "X" 4 worksheet
Homework #14: Menu Math worksheet
Solutions: The Magic "X" 4 key | Menu Math key

Also, please remember to bring your signed parent signature slip back tomorrow with your Common Assessment #1 reflection.