Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday 8/22

Today in class we completed assignment #7, Pyramid Math 2, and reviewed for our second test, which will be tomorrow.

The preview sheet that was passed out in class today looks exactly like tomorrow's test, just with different numbers. If you can complete the preview sheet without any problems, you should be totally prepared for tomorrow's test.

Classwork #7: Pyramid Math 2 worksheet
Solutions: Pyramid Math 2 solutions

Homework #8: Test 2 Preview Sheet
Solutions: Preview Sheet Solutions

You'll be able to use the following assignments for tomorrow's homework and class work quiz; please make sure to have them with you and fully ready to go:

Week 2
Openers / Warm-Ups
Notes #2
Notes #3
Notes #4
Assignment #2 (The Magic "X" 2)
Assignment #3 (The Magic "X" 3)
Assignment #4 (TB pg 13)
Assignment #5 (Pyramid Math)
Assignment #6 (TB pg 20 & pg 43)
Assignment #7 (Pyramid Math 2)

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