Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday 6/4

We've reached the moment of truth. Final Exams begin tomorrow!

Please make sure you do all in your power tonight to set yourself up for success tomorrow. That includes getting a great night sleep and eating a nutritious breakfast. You need to be prepared to demonstrate your best.

Homework #131: Finish the Final Exam Preview worksheet
Solutions: Final Exam Preview answer key

If you get stuck, The Community is here to help and the honors classes have been putting together solution videos for you:

Problem 1

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday 6/3

We spent our class period today continuing to work on the Final Exam Preview. Please continue your hard work on it tonight. Once complete, please make sure to correct your Preview and redo any problems that need some attention.

You'll have tomorrow in class to finish it up, make any final improvements necessary, and ask me any questions you may have.

Homework #131: Continue working on the Final Exam Preview worksheet
Solutions: Final Exam Preview answer key

If you get stuck, The Community is here to help and the honors classes have been putting together solution videos for you:

Problem 1

The resources to earn an "A" on the final are out there, the only missing ingredient now is your hard work and determination.

Here's a copy of the Final Exam schedule, so you know what to expect this week.

Happy studying!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday 6/2

Today you began working on the Final Exam Preview. You'll receive the second half of it tomorrow, and will have all of tomorrow and Wednesday to work on it in class and ask questions. It should be completed by the end of class on Wednesday, which will give you one final evening to study for your Final.

We will take our Final Exam starting on Thursday (it may take you more than one day). You should be doing everything in your power to be supremely prepared for it. The Preview is your best resource, but don't discount old tests, notes, and assignments.

Homework #131: Work on the Final Exam Preview worksheet

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday 5/30

We have now made it through 36 weeks of 8th grade math. We only have three days of studying next week followed by the Final Exam left in this school year. Make sure that you are doing everything that you can to earn the grade that you want.

Here is this year's final extra credit:

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Here we go, the final Preview and Test of the year!

Homework #130: Finish the Test 36 Preview worksheet
Solutions: Preview answer key

If you're stuck on any of the homework or need help studying, you should definitely ask The Community.

You'll be able to use the following assignments for tomorrow's notes and homework quiz; please make sure to have them with you and fully ready to go:

Week 36
Openers / Warm-Ups
Notes #73
Notes #74
Assignment #128 (WB pgs 12-13)
Assignment #129 (WB pgs 14-15)
Assignment #130 (Preview WS)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday 5/28

Today we learned how to calculate the volume of hemispheres with Notes #74.

We then combined all of our knowledge of volume to tackle some interesting and challenging combination problems. Be sure to pay special attention to these kinds of problems to prepare yourself for this week's test.

Homework #129: WB pgs 13-15 (#10-14)
Solutions: WB pgs 13-15 answer key

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday 5/27

We learned how to calculate the volume of spheres today with Notes #73.

Homework #128: WB pgs 12-13 (#1-9)*
Solutions: WB pgs 12-13

*Answers should not be left in terms of pi tonight. Be sure to show all work.